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Open Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 5pm. Closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Mondays by appointment


Events - Oldtimerfarm

Do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail: or call +32 472 40 13 38


You have a classic car for sale? Why not outsource the sale?

Oldtimerfarm is a sales organisation specialising in selling collection cars on commission.

Our website is the virtual showroom of the cars we currently have on sale. You will find not only the characteristics of the car and a description but also more than 150 pictures per car.

They are all cars of people who have decided to outsource the sale of their beloved classic car to us. Using the FAQ below, you can determine what the advantages and disadvantages of this formula are and whether it is what you need. In short, it means that you outsource the sale of your car to us. Once the car is with us you only have to wait for the payment and this completely free of charge and without risk.

In short

What are the advantages?

What are the disadvantages?

Because your car will be stored at our premises, you will no longer be able to use it. You also grant us exclusivity for the duration of the agreement; this implies you can no longer offer the car for sale on your own initiative.

Why would I bring my car?

Each classic car is unique. The art is to present it in the right way, at the right time to the interested party. That is why Oldtimerfarm developed a special methodology to find the correspondence between the expectations of buyers and sellers.

The sales cycle of a classic car is long, sometimes very long (months). That is why we propose that we take the weight of the advertisements, telephones, missed appointments and unfulfilled promises from your shoulders and sell your car for you. And all this at a reasonable price (no costs), within a reasonable period of time and with a minimum of effort. The process is simple and effective.

At present Oldtimerfarm welcomes 5 to 50 physical visitors per day at the 8500m² showroom. In addition, more than 1000 unique visitors per day visit the website. The company participates in all major trade fairs and events. We literally make every endeavour for the sale of your car.

How do I drop off my car in practice?

You drive or transport the car to us in Aalter Steenweg on Deinze 51C during opening hours. If we have to collect the car, the following will be done on the spot after collection.

An Oldtimerfarm employee will assist you in evaluating the condition of your vehicle and inspect it to set the value. If the estimated value more or less corresponds to the amount requested, we will draw up a contract.

Make sure to bring the following items with you at the time of consignment:

What condition should my car be in?

We ask that your car is clean and ready to be displayed and in good running condition. (Exceptions are possible for complete collections or special cars). Every classic car can be improved, so you certainly do not have to be ‘ready for competition’.

What happens after I entrust the car to you?

The car will be fully checked, just like in a car inspection but not only in technical terms, also in commercial terms, possibilities for improvement etc. This information is then made into a report.

The car will be give to the ‘preparation’ department to be thoroughly washed and cleaned. Then he goes into the photo studio for a complete shoot of +/- 150-200 photos. With these pictures we set to work with the editors, a description is turned into an advertisement and distributed across 60 different places worldwide in different languages.

Then we sit back and wait for the reactions to come in. If interested, the customer can see the car on the bridge and he can also have a short test drive with an Oldtimerfarm employee at the wheel. An agreement will be made about the conditions of sale, the offer is adapted to the demand of the buyer (delivery inspection, etc.), it is delivered (after payment of course) and the owner is paid.

How do you store my car?

Cars are stored in a covered and safe area at our business.  The site is closed and locked. You can’t see anything from the outside (no glass showroom and things like that).

What happens to my car once it is at Oldtimerfarm?

In addition to dry storage, we also ensure that the car is always ready to start. This means we check the fluids, antifreeze and fill the tires, charge the battery. All this is included in the service and there is no charge. If any repairs are needed, we can do these at our own professional workshop after consultation with the owner of the car.

How do you ensure that my car is sold?

Our service includes a sales plan adapted to your car. This means that your car will be brought to the attention of everyone in Europe (mainly Belgium and its neighbouring countries) looking for that particular model. And then there’s also the visibility on our website with an extensive description and many clear pictures. By taking a flexible position towards the market, we increase the chances of sales. This means that everyone is welcome for a visit without appointment, and that we are practically available 6/7 (also by appointment). Potential buyers are welcomed and given information on the phone in seven (!) different languages. Not only the condition of the car, but also any other obstacles keeping a potential buyer from buying the car will be addressed: improvements, delivery, transport, inspection home and abroad, etc.

How long will it take for my vehicle to be sold?

This largely depends on the following factors: model, condition/price ratio and, obviously, market demand. To a lesser extent there are some seasonal factors (especially for convertibles). If you follow the advice of Oldtimerfarm the car will usually be sold within 12 weeks.

Are there any additional costs?

There are no additional or hidden costs. Of course you remain the owner of your car so any minor maintenance repairs (e.g. new battery) are at your expense but this is always done with prior consultation and approval.

What is our commission?

Our profit may be: a reasonable additional amount above the price requested by you or a percentage of the selling price or a fixed commission. This will be agreed and adapted to the formula you feel most comfortable with. In practice, we are going to offer the buyer a whole list of extras for this difference. As an owner, you are getting 100% of the private value and the commission pays for the professional service.

When will I be paid?

Once the vehicle has been sold, delivered and paid for, we will transfer the amount to your account or you can collect it.

What are the results so far?

Since its foundation in March 2003 Oldtimerfarm has grown exponentially, and since 2010 at least 200 cars per year of a wide range of brands are sold. Take a look at the list of ‘sold cars’ on our website. This also means that we have a large number of references of satisfied customers.



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